Thursday, January 6, 2011

Making my own fun

The interesting part of the challenge, for me at least, is making it a game that's fun for me to play. It's easy for me to imagine putting in various elements and toys that make me think 'this will be so awesome!' but if it's not something that I personally will enjoy or engage with then what's the point? After all, if I can't enjoy my own game then how do I know anybody will?

The videos are an example. I fully intend for whoever plays this game to end up creating videos of themselves acting in character as their astronaut, addressed to various people and friends and family and loved ones and relatives back home. Would I do that? Would I have fun doing that? At first I wasn't so sure but the more I think about it, the more I think that I would. It would be fun, as long as you got into the spirit of things. And I think the rest of the game should be such that it encourages you to want to do these videos, to embrace the loneliness and isolation that is part and parcel of the character's experience. So it's a matter of figuring out how to do that. The videos will be part of a guard and a defense against insanity and unhappiness, but I want it to be more than mechanically driven.

I imagine myself recording them in the wee hours of the morning for at least two different reasons. The first is that nobody will be around when I do this potentially embarassing thing because regardless of how into the spirit of the game I am, I don't think I could do it in front of people. The second is that the wee hours of the morning are when I feel the most disconnected from everybody else and most alone, regardless of how happy I am otherwise or how surrounded by people. It's just part of being awake at that time and I think I could quite easily tap into that.

To me the videos will both require you to be in character and also draw you deeper into the character, all at the same time.

1 comment:

  1. The timing is a great feature. The world does feel so empty late at night.
